2 Awesome Templates
Hey! It’s Day Two of our 7 Days to A Better Break! Today, we’re giving you 2 Awesome Templates!
There are two things that you can do to improve your classroom the moment you get back and I want to share them with you right now. The first is to start all your classes by having your learners write goals. You can read about how goals can save your lesson here, but I also want to provide you with this awesome goal sheet template (Click to download) to use with your students. This is not only easy, but it can set the tone and get your students focused before every class.
The second thing you can start doing is giving your students more ownership. This isn’t always easy, but if you’re going to do it, I recommend starting with those students who work ahead. One of the most rewarding things you can do is allow your students to design their own projects. If they are ahead and finished early, or have shown mastery of content ahead of schedule, let them play with the information! Instead of giving them a crossword puzzle or asking them to “work on something quietly,” let them explore the world through a student developed project using independent project template (Click to download)
There are still 5 awesome days of resources to come! Keep an eye out for Day 3, where we’ll share some awesome FREE posters to download and print!