
The Grid Method Framework

The Grid Method is a student-centered, competency-based framework, created at the classroom level and designed to fit any teacher’s style, within any curriculum, in any classroom.
Most importantly, it was built to reach all students…not just some.


Explore The Grid Method Mastery Framework in the Teach Better Academy. 

The Free Academy Course paints an overview of the framework, its design, and the effect on student growth and success.
The Full Academy Course Workshop Bundle provides Educators an in-depth deep dive into the framework - walking you through the design and implementation process with a detailed workbook. Conclude your course with a fully designed, student ready grid.
The "Building a Grid LIVE Series" was originally aired as a live production in 2021 with Grid Method creator Chad Ostrowski. During each session, he was joined by a classroom educator from 1:1 coaching and feedback. You can access each discussion in a FREE Course in the Academy.

Get training for your staff on Mastery Learning Practices.

The Teach Better Team partners with school buildings or districts to provide personalized training and support. Whether you are looking for a 60 min Introduction Session to spark interest or a full year partnership with Workshops and follow up personalized coaching, we are here to help.

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Chat with a Specialist [click here]


We imagine a world where every educator is connected, supported, and inspired to be BETTER every day;
so that all learners can discover and develop their passions to positively impact our communities.
The Grid Method
Teach Further