Mid-Year Check In

Eva MirelesThe Reading Teacher's Playbook Podcast


In this episode:

 Listen in as I give you tangible steps that you can use to conduct your mid-year check in. I even get vulnerable and do mine here on the podcast so that you can see how easy and beneficial it is to do one.

I talk about:

I talk about the what, the why and the how of conducting a mid-year check in.

      1.The What- a mid-year check in is a meeting that you do with yourself half way through the year and reflect or think about the practices surrounding your literacy block. 

  1. The Why- No one in your life knows the highs and lows that you have experienced so far this school year, better than you.
  2. The How- designate a place and time to do this. Then you needed to grab a sheet of paper and ask yourself a series of questions.


  • Now is a perfect time for a check in as the celebrations and pitfalls of the school year are still fresh on your mind.
  • Although, we like and value the feedback of an admin, coach or colleague. The honest feedback we get from ourselves can and should be just as valued. 
  • Thinking of what is going well in your classroom will open your eyes and will help you to see just how many wins there are once you have a chance to actually think about it. 

Links to resources mentioned in the podcast:

Mid-Year Check In Form

The Mini Lesson Revamp Bootcamp Waitlist

Book a discovery call for one on one coaching or school PD

Next Steps: If this episode resonated with you, take a screenshot of the episode and tag me on instagram @msevamireles. 

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The Reading Teacher’s Playbook 

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