Guided Book Clubs an Alternative to Literature Circles

Eva MirelesThe Reading Teacher's Playbook Podcast

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I share my solution for literature circles and book clubs.
Hint I have control issues and couldn’t do it the normal way.
Listen in as I take you step by step through my roll out and implementation process.
I talk about:
-Why to take a guided book club approach to literature discussions in upper elementary grades.
-How to create buy-in for guided book clubs  in your classroom.
-How to get started with guided book clubs in your classroom.
-Although their need for small group instruction in reading was the same, the way I went about it, the materials I used among other things were all different.
-A guided book club is composed of a group of students reading at a similar reading level.
Students have buy-in in choosing the book the group reads.
-Guided book clubs are a great opportunity to teach students how to discuss books as well as a great time to reteach skills previously taught in mini lessons, but not yet mastered by your class.
Links to resources mentioned in the podcast:
Book a discovery call for one on one coaching or school PD
Next Steps: If this episode resonated with you, take a screenshot of the episode and tag me on instagram @msevamireles.
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