How do I help my students bridge the gap to independence?

Eva MirelesThe Reading Teacher's Playbook Podcast


In this episode:

After listening to this episode you will leave equipped with tangible steps to help students be able to independently execute the skills you teach them. 

I talk about:

      1.What- What exactly do we mean when we say we want students to work independently?

  1. Why- Why do we want students to be more independent members of the literacy classroom? 
  2. How-How do we help students cross the bridge to independence?


 – We want students to be able to use the strategies we teach them in order to independently execute a skill as it pertains to their reading.

-We want our students to be able to not just read on grade level, but to do so proficiently.This means that students need to be able to apply the skills that we’ve taught in our mini lessons to their independent reading and any assignments that we assign.

-Let’s face it some of our frustration comes from the fact that we are not assigning respectful tasks which is the reason students aren’t able to complete them independently. 

Links to resources mentioned in the podcast:

Grab my free guide for keeping your mini lesson mini 

Get on the mini lesson revamp bootcamp waitlist

Book a discovery call for one on one coaching or school professional development

Next Steps: If this episode resonated with you, take a screenshot of the episode and tag me on instagram @msevamireles. 

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The Reading Teacher’s Playbook 

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