15 – Untangling Resistance with Our Teachers

Brittany RinconTeacher Leader Podcast

brittany rincon teacher leader podcast

In this episode, we chat about helpful pieces of advice that you can implement fairly quickly in your buildings, especially when it comes to untangling resistance with our teachers

  • We talk about what teacher development is
  • Some ways on how to get your teachers to buy-in when providing feedback when they’re not on the same page as you


Here’s a recap of the episode:

4:26 What are you doing with teacher leader development?

5:49 How did you start as a teacher leader

10:02 What are some of the ways to approach the teachers that might not be on the same page with you?

10:06 Be transparent about what coaching really looks like and the purpose of it

11:29 Take a strength-based approach

14:04 Always welcome feedback

15:50 Real-time coaching – be collaborative

16:50 Celebrate small wins

17:49 Proper phasing

19:50 What’s in it for them

All About Our Guest

Erinn Cottman is a Teacher & Leadership Development Coach, as well as a champion for educators and students of color. Starting her educational career in 2010 as a teacher for a nationwide charter school organization, Erinn expanded to Coaching and Consulting for educators and administrators while serving as Assistant Principal of her Atlanta, GA school.

Erinn’s website
Erinn’s IG account


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