In this bonus episode, Tom is joined by Tom Guskey to discuss the recent decision by the Biden Administration to mandate that standardized tests proceed this spring. The conversation focuses on this acute decision and standardized tests in general. Tom Guskey on Twitter: @tguskey Tom Guskey’s website: Grading from the Inside Out (March 16 & 23, 2021) Achieve … Read More
Ep. 21: Defending EduSpeak | Trevor MacKenzie | Self-Reflection
In Don’t @ Me (2:05) Tom takes aim at those who (wrongly) use the terms like “EduSpeak” or “Buzzword” to refer to important, research-validated processes. Then, Tom is joined by Trevor MacKenzie (10:02) to discuss inquiry-based learning and how to bring more student agency to the classroom. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:10:03), Tom explores the 4 directions and the 2 … Read More
Ep. 20: Allure of Labels | Starr Sackstein | Multiple-Choice
In Don’t @ Me (1:34) Tom shares his thoughts on why (now more than ever) people use labels to undercut the credibility of those with whom they disagree. Then, Tom is joined by Starr Sackstein (10:48) to discuss her assessment journey and her quest to go “gradeless.” Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:05:24), Tom explores when multiple-choice is an appropriate assessment … Read More
Learning Loss Illusion | Shauna Brown | Net-Zero Grading Reform
In Don’t @ Me (2:50) Tom explains why he’s done talking about the “COVID learning loss” and why rich, engaging opportunities now are all students need going forward; that “catching-up” is a manufactured narrative. Then Tom is joined by Shauna Brown (11:48) who is an Instructional Leader, Consultant, Educator, and Entrepreneur; the discussion centers on racial equity in schools and … Read More