Serving Ourselves So We Can Serve Others

Lindsay TitusBlog, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Educators are service-minded individuals. Before you can serve others, you must serve yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts through the following four steps: awareness, acceptance, acknowledgment, and action. One of the things that educators do really well is to serve others.  So many of us, myself included, are natural-born servers. We serve from the heart. We do it so … Read More

Building Momentum Through Your Morning Routine

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: A morning routine can help start your day on the right foot. Beginning your day with gratitude can lead to more positive thinking. Add things like meditation, journaling, yoga, stretching, working out, listening to a motivational podcast, or writing goals or growth statements to your morning routine. For years I had heard the importance of having a morning routine. … Read More

3 Ways to Stay Present During the Holiday Season

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Stay present during the holiday season by not counting down to winter break, spreading acts of kindness, and creating a winter break memory book. Living in the present moment comes down to the mindset we hold, the language we use, and the actions we take. As Eckhart Tolle states, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever … Read More

The Impact of NOW in the Classroom

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better

TL;DR: It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list. Start by prioritizing tasks based on urgency vs. emergency. Use the P.A.U.S.E. technique (planting your feet on the ground, acknowledging where you are in the current moment, using what you know to be true, say what you see around you, exhale/inhale) to slow down and be present in the … Read More

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Limiting beliefs are beliefs we hold about ourselves that are not true, and that can hold us back personally and professionally. When you find a limiting belief is holding you back, ask yourself 3 simple questions and rewrite the answers as truth statements! Are your limiting beliefs limiting your growth? A limiting what? This was my initial reaction the … Read More