In Don’t @ Me (3:13), Tom discusses his concern over a new tactic that could become more divisive than helpful when debating societal issues. Then, Tom is joined by future author and educator Robert Cobbs (13:25) to discuss how he ended up in Puerto Rico and why he founded the non-profit Tech My School. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:03:10), Tom … Read More
BeReal with Me | Mike Mattos | 3 Strikes in Grading Reform
In Don’t @ Me (4:00), Tom discusses the new social media app BeReal which he says has a chance to create a more authentic online experience. Then, Tom is joined by author and speaker Mike Mattos (11:33) to discuss the RTI at Work framework. Finally, in Assessment Corner (58:40), Tom outlines 3 strikes in grading reform that he wants every … Read More
Another Happiness Killer | Mirko Chardin | Leveled Responses
In Don’t @ Me (2:45), Tom highlights another sure-fired “happiness killer.” Then, Tom is joined by author Mirko Chardin (12:19) to discuss his latest book, “Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL.” Finally, in Assessment Corner (47:54), Tom talks briefly about the difference between leveled questions and leveled responses and why each can have a place … Read More
Ego of AP | Morgane Michael | Mastery of Targets
In Don’t @ Me (2:25), Tom takes aim at any adult associated with AP courses, including parents, by highlighting why adult ego is driving students to overload their academic schedules with AP courses thereby creating an unsustainable and unhealthy school experience. Then, Tom is joined by author and friend Morgane Michael (15:50) to discuss her latest book, “From Burnt Out … Read More
Must Be Nice | Tony Reibel | Get Them Talking
In Don’t @ Me (2:34), Tom opens by sharing why “must be nice” is the most condescending phrase anyone can use. Then, Tom is joined by author and colleague Tony Reibel (11:11) to discuss his latest book, “Small Changes, Big Impact: 10 Strategies to Promote Student Efficacy and Lifelong Learning.” Finally, in Assessment Corner (45:19), Tom talks about the single … Read More