This special mid-week edition of the podcast features the third episode in a series with Darrin, Dominic Armano, and Todd Bloomer sharing insights and perspectives from today’s school buildings. In this episode, we are talking about all things March Madness in schools. MORE EPISODES
Episode 127: Legacy of Learning with Meghan Lawson
Meghan Lawson, author of the book “Legacy of Learning”, joins the show to talk about educator overwhelm. Meghan speaks from her heart about the importance of teacher efficacy and of ensuring our education communities are ready to move forward with any growth opportunity. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s episode. MORE EPISODES
Episode 126: The Positive Growth Lounge with Phil Januszewski
Phil Januszewski swings by the show to take on educator burnout! Phil shares stories and pushes each of us to reconnect with the things that light up our personal lives. You don’t want to miss this high energy episode with one awesome educator! That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Episode 125: Tone Down Your Walk with Claire Chandler
Darrin sits down with culture and leadership expert Claire Chandler for a conversation on the impact leadership and culture have on organizational success. Claire shares her growth on purpose methodology along with insights to being an authentic leader. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Episode 124: Guiding Transformational Change with Dr. Kristina Mattis
Dr. Kristina Mattis joins the show to talk about transformational change in education. Dr. Mattis shares insights from her new book, Guiding Transformational Change in Education, along with leadership tips for those new to the profession. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s episode. MORE EPISODES