Beth Napleton, a certified Gallup Strengths Finder coach, joins me on the show this week to talk deeply about leaning into our strengths. We also discuss one of the biggest challenges leaders can face; managing adult behaviors and repairing the problems right at the breaking point. Beth Napleton joins me on the show this week to talk about one of … Read More
Episode 87: Thriving Schools with Charle Peck
Charle Peck joins me for this special mid-week edition of the show. Charle shares with us her expertise as a former classroom teacher and licensed therapist focusing on trauma. In this episode, you’ll learn about 9 tools and skills to support anyone in trauma. That, plus a special #PepTalk and more on the podcast. MORE EPISODES
Episode 86: Executive Branding with Dr. Benjamin Ritter
Dr. Benjamin Ritter stops by the show and shares great insights into building an executive leadership brand, helping us all create a career path we love, along with an awesome TEAM approach to leading. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Episode 85: Leading the Whole Teacher with Allyson Apsey
Allyson Apsey sits down with Darrin to talk about supporting the whole teacher, what teachers really want from the leaders, and how to treat time like the precious commodity that it is. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Episode 84: Growing Through PBL with Drew Perkins
Drew Perkins of Teach Thought joins Darrin on the show this week to talk about inquiry, project-based learning, and seeing the entire picture through teaching, learning, and leading. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s episode. MORE EPISODES