Episode 112: Leading from the Classroom with David James

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Middle school social studies teacher and 2024 NCMLE Inspire Conference Director David James joins Darrin for a special mid-week release of the show. Darrin and David talk next-level teacher leadership, how important teacher leadership is to the success of a campus, and the upcoming NCMLE conference in March 2024. Don’t miss this one! MORE EPISODES

Episode 111: Whatever it Takes with Dr. Bryan Pearlman

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Dr. Bryan Pearlman joins Darrin on the show to discuss the growing need for mental health supports, the connection between behavior and self-regulation, and strategies for adults to ensure their own self care. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s episode. MORE EPISODES

Episode 110: Within Our Ranks with Steve Bollar

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Steve Bollar joins Darrin on the podcast this week to talk about educators speaking professionally, why PD doesn’t have to suck, and how to view the holiday countdown differently. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s episode. MORE EPISODES