Design Cast – Episode #104 – James Abela – Gamification for all

Jason ReaginDesign Cast Podcast

For this episode of Design Cast, I sat down with James Abela. James has such a diverse background and touches on some of those experiences during our conversation.  He has a passion for making learning fun by adding an element of playfulness and gamification to his lesson.  James is the author of several books including ‘The Gamified Classroom!’. I know … Read More

Design Cast – Episode #103 – Sara Candela – Focusable

Jason ReaginDesign Cast Podcast

On this episode of Design Cast, I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with my long-time friend Sara Candela.  Sara is leading community development at Focusable.  She is an educator by trade and EdTech community champion by passion!  You will not be disappointed by our discussion and constant shenanigans.  Please comment on your favorite part of the show by tagging … Read More

Design Cast – Episode #102 – Jeff Imrich – Rock By Rock

Jason ReaginDesign Cast Podcast

For this episode of Design Cast, I was so pleased to have the opportunity to talk with Jeff Imrich.  Jeff is the co-founder of Rock By Rock. He believes that kids benefit academically from real-world, project-based learning and that it can ignite a passion for learning. Our world requires kids to solve meaty problems, innovate, and come up with creative … Read More

The Principal Leadership Lab 2.0, with Cindy Bailey

Adam DeWittPrincipal Leadership Lab Podcast

Cindy Bailey, Dean of Northeast Wisconsin Tech College, sits down with Jeff & Adam, on The Principal Leadership Lab 2.0.  Some key highlights shared with us:  What you start with doesn’t have to be the ending. Pay attention to the doors, because there are opportunities on the other side. Always wanted to be on the sidelines, but made a shift. … Read More

Design Cast – Episode #101 – Christin Mohammed King – Trauma Informed Education

Jason ReaginDesign Cast Podcast

  For this episode of Design Cast, I had the pleasure of connecting with Christin Mohammed King.  Christin is a former colleague with so much value to add to any organization.  Her perspective on her recent experience in an all-boys school is incredibly insightful.  We discussed her experience working with boys in several different contexts and what she learned from … Read More