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"This community of educational experts has changed our Professional Deveopment approach. This is a ONE STOP SHOP community for everything my teachers and leadership teams need. AMAZING!"
Jen Manly
Jen believes that kids deserve to do BIG, meaningful work and that all students are worthy of learning that is fun, challenging, and fulfilling. She is passionate about helping teachers maximize their planning time to make time for what is most important while still providing an incredible learning experience for every student. She is a current college instructor, former high school and middle school computer science teacher, middle and high school curriculum developer, and served as a Project Lead the Way Master Teacher. She is a skilled facilitator and has presented to thousands of educators at the local, state, and national levels, including at CSTA, Project Lead the Way Summit, ISTE, and International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA). She is a Certified Agile Leader K–12 Trainer, coauthor of the Agile Educator Guide, and a 2018 ITEEA Teacher Excellence awardee. She received a 2021 CS Teaching Excellence Honorable Mention and served as a curriculum writer for Code.org's AP CS A curriculum.
Example of Jen's most requested Keynote;
Group Work that Works
Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Isn't it time that classroom group work evolves to meet the demands of the 21st century workplace? Through true project-based learning, students break down large scale group projects, learn to prioritize the most important tasks, and hold check-in meetings and retrospectives. Agile brings learning to life and gives them skills that mirror those used in the real world. What’s more, students effectively collaborate, communicate, and create, giving meaning to lessons and increasing student agency.
Through true student-led learning, agile education empowers students to utilize structures to better assess, self-monitor, plan and reflect on their own learning. Experience how agile solves common classroom challenges, evokes engagement, fosters human connection and empowers student growth.
Mickey Smith Jr.
GRAMMY Music Educator Award Recipient, Mickey Smith Jr. hails from a forgotten community deep in the Bayou State of Louisiana but now stands on phenomenal stages as an EDUCATOR-ENCOURAGER. In addition to his work in the classroom Mickey is an international speaker, saxophonist, author, and master development coach for elementary and middle school band directors. Mickey is committed to encouraging and equipping all educators with the tools to SEE THE SOUND of significance and KEEP ON GOING with resilience to ultimately create a SOUND ONE HUNDRED & EIGHTY days of school. Smith provides specialized speaking services to educational as well as corporate clients who are ready to engage, educate, and elevate every audience member to excellence. Whether the message is being shared in a School District, a Conference, In-Person or Virtually, Mickey shares the belief that every child is simply one Sound-Adult away from discovering their own sound of success and that educators still have the power to create a positive shift in the thoughts and perspectives of our next, best, and brightest. Mickey’s motivational mixture of music & message teaches people how to reach people with consistency, intention, and strategy and a philosophy that is simple: “Teach By Design, Not By Default.”
Mickey, his wife and fellow educator Eugenia and their two children reside in West Palm Beach, FL where Mickey teaches at The Greene School as the Director of Instrumental Music.
Example of Mickey's most requested Keynote;
A workshop for educators on how maximizing awareness & perspective advances academics & performance
Any teacher can know all the latest techniques, plan the greatest lessons, and implement effective classroom management strategies. But what is your "sound?" Your "sound" is your value as well as the unique personal significance you bring to the classroom. Maximizing your awareness and perspective in those you teach and seeing the "sound" in yourself is arguably the most important skill you can possess as a teacher. Without a strong sense of personal significance and emotional resilience, most teachers won’t stick around long enough in the profession to realize their potential and become not just teachers but phenomenal educators. In a profession that loses 50% of its workforce within the first five years of their careers, and with teacher shortage estimates in the hundreds of thousands yearly for qualified teachers, it is critical now more than ever to find new ways to encourage, equip, and empower teachers to fall in love with teaching. That starts by seeing the "sound."
Joshua Stamper
Joshua Stamper initially used his artistic talent, creativity and original ideas as a professional graphic designer. He then transitioned to inspiring students to utilize their imagination and creative expression in public education. Being unsuccessful as a student growing up, Joshua never expected to be back in the classroom as a teacher, athletic coach, or administrator. His struggles as a student spawned a passion to change the education model, push the boundaries of traditional learning, and explore trauma informed strategies. Prior to his current role, Joshua was a middle school administrator in North Texas for nine years and loved building future leaders, implementing restorative practices, and positively impacting the lives of his students.
Joshua Stamper is the Training and Development Specialist for the Teach Better Team, author of Aspire to Lead, podcaster, leadership coach, and education presenter.
Example of Josh's most requested Keynote;
Elevating your Capacity with Healthy Habits
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Join Joshua Stamper in this captivating Keynote presentation as he uncovers the vital nexus between leadership and personal well-being. The central theme of this event revolves around the transformative potential of cultivating healthy habits to enhance your capacity and effectiveness as an educator and leader.
The journey commences with a deep dive into the pivotal role that healthy habits play in an educator's path to success. These habits encompass a spectrum of practices, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We will explore actionable strategies for seamlessly integrating these habits into your daily routine, resulting in heightened resilience, sustained energy, and an overall sense of vitality, all of which are indispensable for effective leadership.
At the core of being an efficient educator, effective Communication and Relationship-building skills are paramount. You will discover how the adoption of these healthy habits can significantly elevate your capacity to connect with and inspire your team, ultimately fostering a more harmonious and productive work environment. The Growth Mindset is a cornerstone of this presentation, emphasizing how embracing it contributes to an educator's adaptability and continuous learning capabilities. It's about nurturing a mindset that thrives on challenges, sees setbacks as opportunities for growth, and steadfastly encourages a journey of continuous self-improvement.
Throughout the Keynote, Joshua will generously share personal anecdotes and insights from his own leadership journey, providing tangible, real-world examples of how healthy habits have positively influenced his path. By attending this presentation, you'll be equipped with a wealth of practical insights and strategies, empowering you to become a purpose-driven leader who maximizes your potential through the potent influence of healthy habits. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your approach to leadership and personal well-being.
Chad Ostrowski
Chad Ostrowski started his career in education when he was chosen as one of only 50 individuals in Ohio to be granted the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship. Through this fellowship he received his Master’s in Science Education and gained intensive training and expertise in STEM education, Problem Based Learning, Inquiry based instruction as well as other cutting edge educational methods.
It is through these foundations and his experience in high needs, inner city education that he created and developed the “The Grid Method” in order to synthesize his knowledge of best practices in education into a system that allowed ALL of his students to meet and exceed their potential. As CEO and Co-Founder of the Teach Better Team, he has shared and continues to share his knowledge and expertise in Mastery Learning and instructional innovation through workshops, speaking engagements, and professional development for schools, districts, and organizations across the country with the goal of helping all teachers and students THRIVE.
Example of Chad's most requested Keynote;
The Teach Better Mindset
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
Whether an educator is seeking a quick overview or an integrated and sustained level of support in implementation, The Grid Method training equips educators with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to move students forward in any learning progression. Built around the major tenants of mastery learning and supportive feedback, The Grid Method provides a structured process for moving any student forward towards mastery of standards utilizing principles and practices of the universal design for learning. The Grid Method is not a curriculum or a resource. It is a framework designed to support any existing instructional paradigm and process.
Jeff Gargas
Jeff Gargas is the COO and Co-founder of the Teach Better Team (Creators of www.teachbetter.com, The Grid Method, and Teach Further) and co-author of the book, “Teach Better.” He works with educators to increase student engagement and improve student success. He also offers 1-on-1 coaching for teachers who have a product or idea they want to share with others to better education.
Prior to co-founding Teach Better, Jeff was the owner of ENI Multimedia, an online marketing firm, where he worked with entrepreneurs and small businesses, assisting them with web design, social media, content marketing, and brand awareness.
Prior to all of this, Jeff was an adjunctive professor at Kent State University and spent 10+ years in the music industry. He has spoken at conferences around the country, and has successfully promoted more than 500 events and launched 7 businesses in a variety of industries. Jeff is passionate about music, and enjoys spending time with his family as often as possible.
Example of Jeff's most requested Keynote;
Increasing Your Impact: Sharing Your Story to Impact More Students!
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
At the core of every teacher is the desire and a need to reach and impact as many students as possible. That is what motivates us, what gives us joy, and what our purpose is. While teaching in itself allows an individual to reach hundreds if not thousands of students throughout a career, some educators want to do more. Let's explore how creating content and sharing your story can offer driven educators the opportunity to expand their impact to millions of students. We will look at how a few educators have taken their passion for teaching and maximized their impact on students and education as a whole. This presentation will look at the impact sharing your story can have on education, and examine how to start, manage, and grow a platform to do this, without having to leave your classroom. See how you can use your story spirit to maximize your impact on the educational world!
Tre’ Gammage
Dean of Students and SEL Consultant, Tre’ Gammage has always had a passion for helping others. With a vast background in speaking, podcasting, and consulting, Tre’ was once told “when you see someone living their dream, it makes you want to be a part of that dream or start to live your own” and he’s been living by that motto ever since.
Tre’ became an International speaking champion in 2016 after finishing in the semi final round of Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. In 2017, Tre’ started The Gammage Consulting Group, a family owned education consulting firm helping K-12 school communities implement school-wide social-emotional learning programs and practices through teacher professional development. The mission of GCG is to deliver social emotional learning solutions to school communities through asset based personal and professional development. He believes that SEL is to education as the alphabet is to reading, you can’t have one without the other.
Tre’ has a true heart of youth and this generation, he has made it his purpose to see educators and students grow, lead, and experience as he guides you through your journey of making it easier to do what you love.
Example of Tre's most requested Keynote;
Every Decision Counts: 8 Lessons I wish They Taught Me in School
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
There are so many lessons learned in life that should have been taught in school. Travel with Tre’ on his journey through education that included moving 8 different times and attending 11 different schools before graduation. In this conversation we explore what it means to make new mistakes, surround yourself with only quality people, and release yourself of other people’s expectation so you can live your dreams.
- How to turn big and small failures into a platform for success. And stay positive after failing or losing
- Understand how doing the little things right makes the biggest difference
- How to identify and use the skills, talents, resources and passion that you already have
- The importance of recognizing change as a part of growth
Lindsay Lyons
Lindsay Lyons is an educational justice coach who helps schools and districts co-create feminist, antiracist curricula that challenges, affirms, and inspires all students. A former NYC public school teacher, she holds a PhD in Leadership and Change, and is the founder of the blog and podcast, Time for Teachership. She believes the secret sauce of educational equity is student voice.
Example of Lindsay's most requested Keynote;
How to Talk About High-Emotion Topics
with Students and Staff
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Participants will begin by confronting 3 common myths that often hold us back from engaging in conversations that generate strong emotions at school. We’ll then look at the foundational culture of belonging that’s required to engage in these conversations and the strategies that help us build a culture where generative conversation is possible. Finally, we’ll talk about ways to plan ahead for student and staff discussions of high-emotion topics.
In the full-day version of this session, we will also practice using discussion protocols and talking about high emotion topics, the specific of which we can collaboratively determine based on the needs of your staff.
Lindsay Titus
Lindsay Titus is a passionate, inspirational educator specializing in the field of behavior analysis. She is driven every single day to teach other educators how to transform connections and relationships with all students. Her ultimate goal as a behavior specialist is to inspire other educators to recognize that all students have a story to share. By owning our truth as educators, Lindsay believes that all educators can be the power of hope that so many of our students need.
Over the past 15 years, Lindsay has worked as a classroom teacher and behavior specialist in public school, residential and private settings, and shares her passion for her profession through her own experiences to help guide, motivate and encourage other educators to use their own personal stories to create connections and relationships with others. As a board certified behavior analyst with a Master’s in Special Education, Lindsay works every day to share simple yet strategic tools and strategies with educators so they too can feel confident in who they are as educators, and strengthen the connections with their students every single day. Lindsay is an educator, whose passion drives her ability to coach educators on how to define themselves from their inner-authentic selves.
By helping educators to redefine who they are, Lindsay helps to ignite the inner-spark we all hold as educators, and helps educators transform their lives by finding their authentic purpose and passion inside and outside of the classroom setting.
Example of Lindsay's most requested Keynote;
Teaching Students to FIND and DEFINE their INNER Greatness
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
All students have a voice that deserves to be heard. Yet, some of our students don’t know how to share their voice because they are not sure they know how. Each student’s voice shares their inner greatness, and yet some of our students don’t know how to find or recognize their inner greatness. This session is designed to teach teachers, how to teach their students to find their greatness using six simple steps known as the DEFINE YOU Mindset Method. Teachers will feel empowered to teach students how to amplify their voices by owning who they are in the classroom in a positive and enlightened way.
- Learn the 6 steps of the DEFINE YOU Mindset Method
- Learn how to teach students how to use their voice for growth
- Learn how to embed social-emotional learning into the school day the simple and easy way
P. Sloan Joseph
Sloan Joseph is an Instructional Coach & Equity Advocate with over eighteen years of experience supporting K4-12 educators in the areas of diversity, equity, inclusion, engagement, & social-emotional learning. She is a member of the Jack Berckemeyer Consulting Group, the Teach Better Team Speakers Network, and a South Carolina ASCD Emerging Leader. Sloan’s insights have been featured in Power of Connection by Dr. Matthew X. Joseph and chapter 6 of Teachers Deserve It by Rae Hughart and Adam Welcome. She was selected in February 2021 to be a guest blogger for the Elevating Teachers Series with Public Education Partners-Greenville, SC. She is also co-creator of #BreatheEDU, a platform assisting school and district leaders with creating inclusive & equitable learning environments.
Sloan is the host of Greater is in Me, a podcast centered around her life as a wife, mother, and educator. The purpose of the podcast is to inform, inspire, and influence listeners to fulfill the greatness that exists within. Greater is in Me is available on iTunes, Google Podcast, Anchor & Spotify.
Example of Sloan's most requested Keynote;
5 Steps for Improving Equity Advocacy
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Are you an educator who wants to be an equity advocate, but you don't know where to begin? Are you already an equity advocate, but feel stagnant? In this session, we will review five steps for improving equity advocacy. Resources will be provided for each step to help participants with their personal and professional growth.
Becky Schnekser
Becky Schnekser is an educator, explorer, field scientist, and advocate for all learners. She believes that education should not be a series of lessons, rather experiences that immerse learners in authentic skill based tasks. As educators, she believes, it is our responsibility to empower learners to pursue their passions in order to become the changemakers of the world not only in the future but in this exact moment.
Young learners can do big things with effective lead learners by their sides and that is exactly the role educators should play in the lives of learners; lead learners. Becky pushes educators to reflect and evaluate their own influence on learners, believing that our superpower as educators is our ability and opportunity to positively influence countless lives every single day.
Example of Becky's most requested Keynote;
Expedition Science or Disrupting Science
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
Let’s rethink how we approach and maintain authentic science for learners of all ages. What does science look like in the world around us? How can we take advantage of natural opportunities to teach our standards? How can we use science to engage learners in all subjects, science at the forefront rather than an afterthought? Learn how to shift current thinking and practices for science education into authentic experiences that engage learners as explorers and scientists rather than passive participants.
This topic can be tailored as a keynote, workshop, breakout, or a combination of these.
- Evaluate current science practices
- Develop a new way of approaching science topics
- Integrate authentic experiences
PJ Caposey
PJ Caposey is a dynamic speaker and a transformational leader and educator. PJ began his career as an award-winning teacher in the inner-city of Chicago and has subsequently led significant change in every administrative post he has held. PJ became a principal at the tender age of 28 and within three years was able to lead a small-town/rural school historically achieving near the bottom of its county to multiple national recognitions. After four years, PJ moved to his current district, Meridian CUSD 223, as superintendent and has led a similar turnaround leading to multiple national recognitions for multiple different efforts.
PJ is a sought after keynote presenter, consultant, and provider of professional development and has recently keynoted several national conferences specializing in time management, the tyranny of the status quo, school culture, continuous improvement, social media, and teacher evaluation.
PJ has written 7 books for various publishers and his work has been published online for sites such as ASCD, Edutopia, and the Huffington Post. He works in the Education Department of two universities and in a myriad of capacities with the Illinois Principal’s Association including Principal Coach and author of the first complete stack of MicroCredentials offered in Illinois.
PJ conducts training on a variety of topics including leading change, making teacher evaluations meaningful, communication, time management, and making paradigm shifts in education.
Example of PJ's most requested Keynote;
The Tyranny of The Status Quo
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
This motivational and thought-provoking session challenges educators to begin leading change in their own lives, classrooms, and schools immediately. The presentation hits on several practical changes that can be made immediately and also presents several paradigms that must be internally challenged in order to create long-term personal and organizational change and growth. Start right now and make a difference.
As a result of the session participants will be able to:
Evaluate their personal practices and whether they match their stated ambitions
Analyze ways in which they are perpetuating their personal status quo
Britney Wolf
Britney Wolf has one mission – to create an environment in which every person in the room feels validated and cared about. After being diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at 7 years old, she made a promise to herself and to the entire Tourette Community that she would educate, spread awareness, and fight for the stigma of this disorder to one day be erased. Along the way, she discovered how to empower and motivate those around her because of Tourette Syndrome, rather than in spite of it.
While sharing her story of living with this disorder she teaches her audiences how vital it is to have inclusion in every aspect of education, the workplace, and in our personal lives. She takes the idea of how a simple act, a question, a listening ear, or simply just looking beyond what the eyes and mind might see can lead to an entirely new outlook and way of life. She believes that surrounding yourself with people who are different can create an unstoppable team.
Example of Britney's most requested Keynote;
Working With Disabilities
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
While using my own life stories, this presentation will showcase how employers and colleagues can make a huge difference in the workforce. Interviewing for a job can be hard enough in itself, but working with a disability can often create awkward and difficult situations to navigate through. In today’s world, it’s important that we approach situations of mental health, disabilities, and differences in the right way. Employers need to be sure that they are treating every single employee with respect and honoring their needs so that they have the opportunity to have a successful career. In light of adversity, this presentation will give the tips you need to make an impact.
Laura Rizo
Born and raised in the projects, Laura Rizo's life experiences relate to both youth and adults. Her messages on overcoming poverty, depression, alcoholism, an identity crisis, and a lack of self love reaches the hearts of her audience. She connects to youth through experiences she overcame and connects with adults through her transparency.
Example of Rizo's most requested Keynote;
The HERO Inside You
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Before you save a life, your life must be transformed! Through personal testimonies & audience participation, Rizo will challenge students to:
-Work on their own identity & the battles they fight with themselves
-Face the villains they have been putting aside their whole lives
- Challenge students to discover their self worth.
- Help students find the challenges that are holding them back from their goals.
- Help students find strategies to encourage themselves and overcome challenges.
Maurice F. Martin
Maurice F. Martin is a motivational speaker, transformational coach, counselor, and bestselling author who specializes in helping educators and schools overcome burnout, build resilience, and foster alignment and mindfulness. He works with educators to regain clarity, reduce stress, and stay motivated, empowering them to thrive in the classroom and beyond.
Maurice also delivers impactful motivational talks for students, focusing on the power of decision-making, moving toward purpose, and embracing social-emotional learning (SEL). His approach inspires students to break through barriers, develop emotional intelligence, and take ownership of their futures.
An award-winning vocalist with the band Winslow, Maurice’s music was featured on MTV and VH-1. He’s also hosted Getting the Word Out and appeared on YouTube Originals' Bear Witness, Take Action, reaching over 4 million viewers.
As the host of the Hope Rising Podcast, Maurice continues to provide actionable strategies for educators and students to build resilience, lead with confidence, and create lasting impact.
[Click Here to View Maurice's One Sheet]
[Click Here to View Maurice's Portfolio]
Example of Maurice's most requested Keynote;
The Spark
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
The very best and brightest individuals and companies have moments when things have grown stale. People thrive during the beginning of a journey and of course we all love to reach the finish line, but sometimes, we get stuck in the middle. The Spark is a session that discusses the importance of getting out of your comfort zone in order to re-energize your journey.
- Learn the difference between reasons and excuse and discuss their impact on progress
- Define the role of comfort within a growth mindset
- The importance of small adjustments within a current system in order to keep meet unexpected needs
- Redefine success and failure in the middle of a process/the importance of “failing forward”
- Understand how healthy risk taking can provide a spark in a “stale” environment
Denis Sheeran is the author of two books for teachers, Instant Relevance, Using Today's Experiences to Teach Tomorrow's Lessons, and Hacking Mathematics: 10 Problems That Need Solving. He travels across the country delivering keynotes, full-day workshops, and small group ongoing embedded professional development to teachers and administrators. He has presented at the national level, including engagements with NCTM/NCSM and at statewide professional development conferences in 17 states. But his true passion is for working with teams of teachers in their school environments to improve math instruction, classroom culture, and content relevance leading to a passion for learning math in students.
Denis has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics Education with a minor in Music. Prior to his current work with school districts, he served in several administrator roles, including K-12 Director of Student Achievement and Supervisor of Mathematics in Weehawken, Chatham, and Sparta NJ. Before that Denis taught high school math, from Algebra to Advanced Placement, for thirteen years at Lake Forest High School in Lake Forest, Illinois and coached the boys cross country and track & field teams. He lives in Sparta, NJ with his wife, four children, and litterbox-trained dog, Scout.
Denis trains teachers and administrators in how to create authentic, engaging math lessons, activities and environments, how to provide powerful feedback to students to continue their learning, and how to assess student learning using creative tools that demonstrate understanding and application.
Example of Denis's most requested Keynote;
Instant Relevance: Using Today’s Experiences To Teach Tomorrow’s Lessons
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Classes are too often guided by textbooks and dry course materials. But every day, teachers experience moments that can and should be used in their classrooms the very next day. Instant Relevance is the idea of using today’s experiences in tomorrow’s lessons. We have reached a point where the question “when am I going to use this in real life” has become a joke among teachers and students. Denis presents an engaging and practical keynote that can help teachers change that question to one of wonder. “Where in your life did you get THAT from?” Teachers will leave this session with ways to connect their content to their students’ lives the next day! #MakeItReal
- The components of the Instant Relevance philosophy.
- How to leverage student and teacher passion to increase student engagement.
- How to encourage the Instant Relevance Mindset.
- Practical methods for increasing relevance in the classroom
Dr. Neil Gupta
Dr. Neil Gupta began his teaching career as a high school math teacher. While teaching, he obtained a Masters Degree in Curriculum and then pursued a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership. While conducting his doctoral work, he worked as a High School Assistant Principal for one year. Dr. Gupta was promoted as the Director of Secondary Curriculum while completing his doctoral work.
After six years as the Director of Secondary Curriculum, Dr. Gupta became the Director of Teaching and Learning for another school district. With his deep level of understanding on how assessments drive instruction, he then became the Director of Assessment and Programming.
In 2015, Dr. Gupta was hired to serve as the Director of Secondary Education for Worthington Schools. In Worthington, Dr. Gupta oversees the secondary programs and leads the academic and safety work along with the building principals and district leaders.
Neil has presented at the state, national, and international level in the areas of leadership, assessments, and coaching. Dr. Gupta has a passion for principal leadership, coaching leaders, and working with teams using effective strategies and tools, such as design thinking and organizational management for positive change.
Dr. Gupta serves on the Board of Directors for ASCD and the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators Association (OASSA). Gupta is a member of ASCD, National Association of Secondary School Principals, American Middle Level Education Association, and OASSA.
Example of Neil's most requested Keynote;
Leading Transformational Schools
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
In order to provide rigorous and relevant experiences to meet the demands and needs of our students today, schools need to transform. Transformational schools need transformational leaders. Join Dr. Gupta, as he shares insights and lessons learned on the research in key strategies to lead transformational schools. Participants will walk away with time to reflect on their current practices as well as develop an action plan to implement for positive changes right away.
At the end of the presentation, all participants will be provided with keys to lead transformational schools. They will also be provided with time to reflect on their current practices and engage with other participants at the end to draft an action plan on take-aways.
Mandy Froehlich
Mandy Froehlich passionately encourages educators to create innovative change in their classrooms. Her interest lies in reinvigorating and re-engaging teachers back into their profession, as well as what’s needed to support teachers in their pursuit of innovative and divergent thinking and teaching.Mandy consults internationally with school districts and post-secondary institutions in the effective use of technology to support great teaching, mental health support for educators, and how to create organizational change. Her first book, "The Fire Within: Lessons from defeat that have ignited a passion for learning," discusses mental health awareness for teachers. Her second book, "Divergent EDU," is based on an organizational structure she developed to support teachers in innovative and divergent thinking.
Example of Mandy's most requested Keynote; Innovation and Divergent Thinking
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop
Kevin Butler
Kevin is in his 20th year in the elementary classroom. He holds a BA in Child Study, an MA in Education, and holds an additional 90 graduate credits in the areas of math, literacy, social studies, and SEL.
Kevin began his teaching career in New York at public school on Long Island. In 2014 he relocated to California to consult and teach at a startup charter school.
In addition to teaching full time, Kevin for the last six years Kevin was a school administrator, serving as his school’s Curriculum and Instructional Coordinator. Kevin’s classroom instruction focuses on creating authentic learning experiences while engaging his students in active and hands-on learning.
In addition to teaching, Kevin enjoys visiting schools and speaking at educational conferences and presenting his 'Lights, Cameras, TEACH' workshop which focuses on student engagement and building classroom culture. All workshops can be tailored to fit any school or group’s needs.
His first book, titled 'Lights, Cameras, TEACH - a screenplay for engagement, culture, and relationships', was released in Summer 2022 by Dave Burgess Consulting.
Example of Kevin's most requested Keynote;
Lights, Cameras, TEACH - engagement, culture, and relationships!
Keynote / 1-Day Workshop / 2-Day Workshop
And...Action! While teachers don't train to be entertainers, teachers must capture students' attention! This session focuses on why engaging students in active learning is critical to teaching in the 21st century.
Participants will get ideas on transforming their lessons to create authentic learning experiences for their students and quick activities to get them up and moving in the classroom. Participants will have the opportunity to not just learn about engagement activities but will get to play along too! Kevin will also discuss the importance of building classroom culture and strategies to make students feel safe, included, and heard. Kevin shares some of his favorite resources that can be used with any grade level/subject.
Kevin’s session ends by reminding us to take time to reflect. Kevin shares his WHY and why; remembering our why is vital to our profession.
Meghan Pahlkey
Example of Meghan's most requested Keynote;
The Co-Teaching Huddle
Keynote / Breakout Session / 1 Day Workshop / 2 Day Workshop