Jen Manly chats with us about empowering students to do work that matters now, being vulnerable, and why learning should be joyful.
'I feel like, in our roles, we get to empower students to do work that matters now.' - @jennifer_manly from episode 186 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XJen’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Trello
- Book:
- Who to Follow on Social Media:
- Dr. Nicki Washington (@dr_nickiw)
- Victoria Thompson (@victoriathetech)
- Charity Freeman (@chariositeach)
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Crash Course
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Daily:
- Identifying your three highest priority tasks and working on those first.
- Monthly: Get feedback from your students
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: If you don’t apply, the answer is always no.
Links to Connect With Jen
- Website:
- Twitter: @jennifer_manly
- Instagram: @jenmanlyedu
- Twitter Chat: Weekly Twitter Chat about classroom implications of CS Education research.
- Find us on Twitter: @talkcsed or by using the hashtag #talkcsed.
- Our website it online: