6/13/19 – Educational Technology – Tom Mullaney (@TomEMullaney)

Teach Better TeamMasteryChat Questions - PAST

#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Topic: Educational Technology
Moderator: Todd Nesloney (@TomEMullaney)


(8:00 ET) Intro/Welcome: Welcome to #MasteryChat! Introduce yourself to the group and tell us about an #edtech tool you don’t use anymore and why.

(8:05 ET) Q1. In what ways can using educational technology be a challenge? #MasteryChat

(8:10 ET) Q2 Think back over the last five years. How has educational technology changed what you do as a teacher?#MasteryChat

(8:20 ET) Q3 What is your top 5 list of educational apps? Please share why they make your top 5. #MasteryChat

(8:30 ET) Q4 What is your favorite thing to do with educational technology? #MasteryChat

(8:40 ET) Q5 What is your students’ favorite thing to do with educational technology? #MasteryChat

(8:45 ET) Q6 What is something your students have done with educational technology that makes you proud? #MasteryChat

(8:50 ET) Q7 What is something you want to try with educational technology but have not had a chance to yet? Maybe summer is the perfect time to dive in! #MasteryChat

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