4/25/19 – Redirecting Math Education – Denis Sheeran (@MathDenisNJ)

Teach Better TeamMasteryChat Questions - PAST

#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, April 25th, 2019

Topic: Redirecting Math Education – How ALL Teachers Affect Math Learning
Moderator: Denis Sheeran (@MathDenisNJ)


(8:00 ET) Intro/Welcome: Welcome to #MasteryChat! Introduce yourself to the group and tell us how you felt about math when you were a student.

(8:05 ET) Q1. As a math or non-math teacher, in what ways do you see math education as different than when you were learning math? #MasteryChat

(8:10 ET) Q2 Math was always seen as something the teacher “delivered” to students, but now, YouTube can do that! If teaching math isn’t about content delivery anymore, what is it about? #MasteryChat

(8:20 ET) Q3 Math involves problem-solving, communication, explanation, listening, talking, reflecting, and trying again. How do these components appear in your other subject areas? #MasteryChat

(8:30 ET) Q4 According to stats, only a small percentage of students go on to major in math. What, then, are the most important takeaways our students need from their math education? #MasteryChat

(8:40 ET) Q5 Sunil Singh (@Mathgarden) and Chris Brownell (@cbrownLmath) just published Math Recess highlighting the importance and NECESSITY for Play in math education. How do you use play as a way for students to investigate and deeply learn mathematics? #MasteryChat

(8:45 ET) Q6 Kids who calculate quickly are often labeled as “good at math” but that’s unfair. My phone does that, but I don’t think it’s good at math. What does being “good at math” look like to you, and how do you grow that in your classroom? #MasteryChat

(8:50 ET) Q7 What changes do you WANT to see in math education or education as a whole, and how can you be a part of making those changes real? #MasteryChat

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