#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, February 21st, 2018
Topic: Creating Collective Efficacy in the Classroom
Moderator: Neil Gupta (@DrNeilGupta)
(8:00 ET) Intro/Welcome: Hello and welcome to #MasteryChat! Let’s kick it off with some introductions and share what YOU think collective efficacy is.
(8:05 ET) Q1. Empowering students to be leaders of their own learning is key. How do you engage students to be part of the learning process? #MasteryChat
(8:10 ET) Q2 Valuing students is essential. What specific strategies or activities help to ensure ALL students feel valued in your classroom? #MasteryChat
(8:20 ET) Q3 Listening to student feedback is critical. What mechanisms do you build in your classroom community to collect feedback on lessons, the environment, and the learning process?#MasteryChat
(8:30 ET) Q4 Risk-taking builds character. How do you specifically build risk-taking into class assignments and grading practices? #MasteryChat
(8:40 ET) Q5 Empathy among students promotes trust. What types of empathy experiences do you employ to build trust in the classroom between students and yourself?#MasteryChat
(8:50 ET) Q6 Celebrating success builds momentum. How do you build in moments to celebrate the success of the class, a particular student, or a group to spotlight achievement or growth? #MasteryChat