11/29/18 – Mastering Assessment to Supercharge Learning- Tiffany Ott (@TechieTeachOtt)

Teach Better TeamMasteryChat Questions - PAST

#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, November 29, 2018

Topic: Mastering Assessment to Supercharge Learning
Moderator: Tiffany Ott (@TechieTeachOtt)


(8:01 ET) Intro/Welcome: Hello and welcome to #Masterychat! Take a minute to introduce yourself and give us 5 words (and only 5 words) that tell us how you feel about the word: ASSESSMENT

(8:05 ET) Q1.  Assessment has many names and many faces. Let’s get familiar with some of them! Tell us as much as you possibly can about assessment in just 280 characters! #MasteryChat

(8:10 ET) Q2 So many thoughts and ideas! Let’s try to make some sense of all of this. There are often considered to be three uses of assessment: OF learning, FOR learning, and AS learning. Let’s start with the 1st. How do you use assessment OF learning (summative assessment)? #MasteryChat

(8:20 ET) Q3 On a scale of 1-10, how effective do you consider assessment OF learning (often called summative assessment)? Explain your thoughts!  #MasteryChat

(8:30 ET) Q4 How is assessment FOR learning (often called formative assessment) different OR similar to assessment OF learning (summative assessment). #MasteryChat

(8:40 ET) Q5 What is your favorite approach or strategy for using formative assessment in your classroom? How do you make it meaningful, effective, and manageable? #MasteryChat

(8:45 ET) Q6 Let’s branch out into an assessment practice that is not nearly as talked about as assessment FOR and OF learning. What on earth could assessment AS learning mean? #MasteryChat

(8:50 ET) Q7 One example of assessment AS learning is retrieval practice, which is a fancy term for having Ss practice pulling information from their brains- or retrieving it. It can be powerful for learning! What are some examples of how you do this in your classroom? #MasteryChat

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