04/01/21 – TECHquity for Multilingual Learners (MLLs) – P. Sloan Joseph (@psloanjoseph)

Teach Better TeamMasteryChat Questions - PAST

#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Topic: TECHquity for Multilingual Learners (MLLs)
Moderator: P. Sloan Joseph (@psloanjoseph)


(8:00 ET) Intro/Welcome: Welcome to #MasteryChat!  Introduce yourself and let us know where you’re from and what you teach.

(8:05 ET) Q1 How do you define the word “TECHquity?” #MasteryChat

(8:10 ET) Q2 How does TECHquity remove barriers for Multilingual Learners (MLLs)? #MasteryChat

(8:20 ET) Q3 What tech tools/strategies do you use to provide TECHquity for Multilingual Learners (MLLs)? Tag those organizations/resources in your response. #MasteryChat

(8:30 ET) Q4 How can TECHquity be used for the social-emotional development of Multilingual Learners (MLLs)? Post pics if you have examples you’ve used with your students/staff. #MasteryChat

(8:40 ET) Q5 How can TECHquity help Multilingual Learners (MLLs) build digital citizenship skills? #MasteryChat

(8:50 ET) Q6 What TECHquity tool/strategy did you learn about tonight that you will use with your Multilingual Learners (MLLs)? #MasteryChat

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