Episode 2 – 7 Types of Lesson Plans to the Second Half of Your Year So Much Fun

Jeanette MihalchikHappy Music Teacher

7 Types of Lesson Plans to Make the Second Half of Your Year So Much Fun

  1. Review Transitions and Procedures by incorporating them into your lessons.
  2. Icebreakers
  3. Form lessons
  4. All play around the circle using Orff instruments
  5. Review the last skill you were working on before break
  6. Do a movement activity that teaches a music skill
  7. Use body percussion or hand games.

Today’s tip: Body percussion and hand games help your students work on hand-eye coordination, a skill they are still developing in the elementary grades.


Examples of transitions and procedures:

Link to lesson you found on Teachers Pay Teachers:

All Are Welcome lesson plan:

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Are you ready to kick the second half of your school year up a notch in your music classroom? Look no further! This episode has got you covered with 7 awesome lesson plan ideas that will have your students fully engaged and having… Share on X