17 EdTech Tools to Get Ahead of 2023 (Part 2)

Eric GuiseGot TechED Podcast


GotTechED the Podcast 

Episode #123: 17 EdTech Tools to Get Ahead of 2023 (Part 2)

Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 123 called “17 EdTech Tools to Get Ahead of 2023 (Part 2)”   In this episode, we’ll share 17 unique and fun edtech tools in a variety of educational categories.  Guise will also talk about his experience at the 2022 Teach Better Conference and give us a sneak peek at an upcoming bonus episode of GotTechEd.  This is another episode you don’t want to miss, check it out.

Segment 1: Updates

  1. Guise talks Teach Better 

@guisegotteched and @nickgotteched share 17 #edtech tools that can help #teachers in creating engaging lessons for #students! Share on X

Segment 2:   Edtech Tools, Resources, etc. to check out  

  1. Playphrase.me – type a phrase and see what movies says it   
  2. Neal.funType in your bday and see what has happened since
  3. Gethuman.comget the number for any company to speak to a human
  4. Privnote.comsend a note that destructs after its read
  5. Temp-email.orgtemporary emails
  6. Psdfreebieseditable templates of flyers/posters
  7. Beautiful.aipresentation templates 
  8. Fakeyou.comtype a message and pick a famous voice
  9. learn anything xyzpopulates articles basics of that topic
  10. Jitter.videomotion graphic templates
  11. svg artistaanimation logos
  12. Vocalremover.orgseparate music and voice
  13. Calligraphr.comturn any sentence into calligraphy
  14. 360gigapixels.com360 degree pictures
  15. BigSpeak.aivoice-over
  16. Incompetech.comroyalty free music
  17. Oldversion.comold versions of software

Segment 3: Where to Find GotTechED

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Need a Presenter?

As experienced presenters and content creators, you can contact Nick and Guise to speak at your school, event, or conference. They can customize a workshop that meets your organization’s unique time and content needs. While no topic is out of bounds, GotTechED is best known for sessions on:

  • 1:1 Chromebook Integration
  • EdTech Throwdown
  • TargetED Learning
  • Gamification (Badge Systems)
  • Game-Based Learning (Escape Rooms, Amazing Race, and more)
  • Google apps and extensions
  • Personalized learning and Choice Boards
  • Teacher productivity (Lesson Planning, Online Grading. and Feedback)
  • Digital content creation
  • Student Podcasting
  • Screencasting
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Student-Centered Learning