15 EdTech Tools to Help You Get Ahead of 2023 (Part 1)

Eric GuiseGot TechED Podcast

Episode 122

GotTechED the Podcast 

Episode #122: 15 EdTech Tools to Help You Get Ahead of 2023 (Part 1)

Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 122 called “15 EdTech Tools to Help You Get Ahead of 2023 (Part 1)”   In this episode, we’ll share 15 unique edtech tools in a variety of educational categories.  We’ll also share some updates on our fall/winter presentation schedule for this school year.  This is another episode you don’t want to miss, check it out.

Segment 1: Updates

  1. Teachbetter Conference October 14th and 15th
    1. Presenting Edtech Throwdown with Stephanie Howell
    2. Podcasters Row
  2. Free LincSpring Virtual Conference
    1. https://linclearning.com/lincstream-teachers-2022/
  3. Shout out to our PLN friend Stephanie Howell on her release of her new book Control the Chaos
    1. Book Hook Audio
    2. Cowritten by Tara Ruckman and Stephanie
    3. Control the Chaos Podcast
    4. https://www.amazon.com/Control-Chaos-classroom-executive-functioning/dp/B0B92V9L2Y
#Teachers looking for #edtech tools for free professional development, video editing, photo editing, math tutoring, writing, and #gamification... this is your episode! Share on X

Segment 2:   Edtech Tools, Resources, etc. to check out

Free Professional Development

  1. Simplilearn– Free online PD and boot camps
  2. Coursecity online courses and tutorials
  3. Class Central – Free PD Courses

Video Editing

  1. Keevi -video editor/tools
  2. Capcut -Tiktok Video Editor
  3. Tella.tv– Make Videos come to life with this video recorder

Photo Editing

  1. magicerasor.io – photo editor
  2. Iloveimg– modify images fast and free

Math Tools

  1. Photomath-solve any math problem
  2. CueThink – math problem solving collab tool


  1. learn anything xyz – get basic research for topics
  2. Copy.ai– Experience the full power of an AI content generator that delivers premium results in seconds.

Gamification and Fun

  1. GeoguessrGoogle map-linked game where Google Maps shows you a picture and you have to guess where you are in the world
  2. Blitzortung – Thunder and lightning tracker
  3. Musclewiki – Pick a body part and let muscle wiki prescribe a workout and show you how to do it


Segment 3: Where to Find GotTechED   45:52

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  3. Tell your friends about www.gotteched.com
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Music Credits:

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Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our Facebook Group Page.   

Need a Presenter?

As experienced presenters and content creators, you can contact Nick and Guise to speak at your school, event, or conference. They can customize a workshop that meets your organization’s unique time and content needs. While no topic is out of bounds, GotTechED is best known for sessions on:

  • 1:1 Chromebook Integration
  • EdTech Throwdown
  • TargetED Learning
  • Gamification (Badge Systems)
  • Game-Based Learning (Escape Rooms, Amazing Race, and more)
  • Google apps and extensions
  • Personalized learning and Choice Boards
  • Teacher productivity (Lesson Planning, Online Grading. and Feedback)
  • Digital content creation
  • Student Podcasting
  • Screencasting
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Student-Centered Learning