Skills and Edtech for Teachers who Use Tech and the Coaches who Support them

Eric GuiseGot TechED Podcast

GotTechED the Podcast 

Episode #115:  Skills and Edtech for Teachers who Use Tech and the Coaches who Support them 

Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 115 called “Skills and EdTech for Teachers who use Technology and the Tech Coaches Who Support Them”   In this episode, we’ll share 10 skills for teachers who use tech and the coaches that support them.  We’ll also share some great edtech to aid in both of these roles.  This is another episode you don’t want to miss, check it out.

Segment 1: Updates

In this episode, we share our favorite guidelines for #edtech coaches and #teachers when implementing tech into the classroom! #edtechchat #edutwitter #blinaction Share on X

Segment 2:  Skills and Tools

  1. Knowledge in the field
  2. Framework
    • Technology Integration Matrix
    • SAMR
    • TPACK
      1. TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration—technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK). While TPACK is often compared with the SAMR Model, they are very different in scope.
  3. EdTech Integration Plan
    • Problem Solving
    • Goal Setting
      1. Start the year with a plan to implement something new you haven’t done before (newsletter, etc)
    • How to integrate technology into the classroom?
      1. Mentor-based Learning System
    • How does Nick work with teachers? Badge System / Being available and approachable
  4. Organization of Possibilities
  5. Curation
    • A list of district or school approved edtech tools with or without district subscriptions
    • An easy way for teachers to request approval and subscriptions
    • SSO Service for staff and students
      1. Classlink and Clever
  6. Scheduling
    • Make sure to tell people often when you’re available
    • Peruse the hallway
    • Give options for how people can reach you (email, zoom, meet, office hours drop-in)
      1. Calendly
  7. Communication
    • Asynchronous Communication vs Synchronous
      1. F2F
      2. Email
      3. Screencasts (Keep it quick with screencastify, did you know windows has a screencast tool built in?)
      4. How-to Guides
        1. Iorad
        2. Scribe
        3. Tango
  8. Classroom Management
    • Solo teaching with support vs team teaching
    • Classroomq 
  9. Making Connections
    • Get on social media – Twitter, Insta for elementary
    • Follow common hashtags
    • Start showing up to your local EdTech PD circuit
  10. Reflection
    • Collect best practices
    • Showcase the accomplishments
    • Share with PLC and Colleagues
    • “Pineapple Chart”
    • Collecting Feedback
      1. Student experience
      2. Teacher experience
      3. Edtech coach experience

Segment 3: Where to Find GotTechED

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  2. Write us an Apple Podcast Review!
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  4. Tell your friends about the Teach Better Podcast Network

Music Credits:

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Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our Facebook Group Page.   

Need a Presenter?

As experienced presenters and content creators, you can contact Nick and Guise to speak at your school, event, or conference. They can customize a workshop that meets your organization’s unique time and content needs. While no topic is out of bounds, GotTechED is best known for sessions on:

  • 1:1 Chromebook Integration
  • EdTech Throwdown
  • TargetED Learning
  • Gamification (Badge Systems)
  • Game-Based Learning (Escape Rooms, Amazing Race, and more)
  • Google apps and extensions
  • Personalized learning and Choice Boards
  • Teacher productivity (Lesson Planning, Online Grading. and Feedback)
  • Digital content creation
  • Student Podcasting
  • Screencasting
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Student-Centered Learning