The Blended Learning Breakdown:Practices, Models, and Edtech

Eric GuiseGot TechED Podcast

GotTechED the Podcast 

Episode #126: The Blended Learning Breakdown:Practices, Models, and Edtech

Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 126 called “The Blended Learning Breakdown: Practices, Strategies, and  Edtech”   In this episode, we’ll share best practices and models of Blended Learning and the edtech tools that enhance your blended classroom.  This is another episode you don’t want to miss, check it out.

Segment 1: Updates

  1. Happy Thanksgiving
  2. NJECC Conference is March 7th (Tuesday in person) and March 8th (Wednesday remote)
  3. Upcoming 12 Days of EdTech
Blended Learning practices are evolving. Check out some ideas as @guisegotteched and @nickgotteched discuss best practices, strategies, and #edtech! Share on X

Segment 2: Intro To Blended Learning

  • What is Blended Learning?
  • What are the advantages of Blended Learning?
      1. The focus shifts to the acquisition of knowledge rather than its transmission.
        1. Deeper understanding of content
      2. Increases student engagement through collaborative experiences
        1. Collaboration allows students to hear/see many viewpoints of the content
      3. Creates an opportunity for more meaningful learning experiences
        1. Student autonomy
      4. Allows the educator to help students that need 1 on 1 interactions
      5. Allows for personalized small group/individual feedback opportunities
      6. Allows teachers to strategically prescribe groups
      7. Allows students to work at their own pace
  • How can blended learning be implemented into the classroom?
    1. Many of the best practices from Episode 124 Personalized Learning still apply to Blended Learning
      1. Get to Know the Learners
        1. Everyone is a student but has the ability to be a learner (autonomy is their learning)
        2. All learners are different
          1. Special Education Considerations
          2. Gifted Education Students
          3. SEL Students
          4. ESL Students
          5. Multiple Intelligences
          6. Use UDL or Flipped, give options for assignment completion
      2. Design a Personalized Learning Environment
      3. Help Students Set Goals
      4. Learn the art of questioning
    2. Professional Development
      1. Podcasts
      2. YouTube
      3. Online Asynchronous PD Opportunities
      4. Asking your PLN

Segment 3:   Blended Learning Models and Edtech   

  1. Flipped Classroom
    1. How will you share video content?  Many options 
      1. EdPuzzle
      2. PlayPosit recently purchased by WeVideo
      3. Screencastify
      4. Screencastomatic
      5. ScreenPal
      6. YouTube
      7. Google Drive – interactive video lessons! 
  2. Station Rotation
    1. Need to provide feedback as students work through stations … 
      1. Mote
      2. GoFormative
      3.  Floop
    2. Other Tech
      1. Edji
      2. QR Codes
      3. CanvaEDU 
      4. GoSoapBox (GoSoapBox is a web-based clicker tool used by educators around the world to keep students engaged and gain real-time insight into student comprehension)
  3. Playlists
    1. Flippity (large variety of uses from grouping to games)
    2. Prodigy (Prodigy unlocks game-based learning · Students reported an average of twice the level of math enjoyment in just a few months)
    3. Choice Boards

Segment 4: Where to Find GotTechED

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Need a Presenter?

As experienced presenters and content creators, you can contact Nick and Guise to speak at your school, event, or conference. They can customize a workshop that meets your organization’s unique time and content needs. While no topic is out of bounds, GotTechED is best known for sessions on:

  • 1:1 Chromebook Integration
  • EdTech Throwdown
  • TargetED Learning
  • Gamification (Badge Systems)
  • Game-Based Learning (Escape Rooms, Amazing Race, and more)
  • Google apps and extensions
  • Personalized learning and Choice Boards
  • Teacher productivity (Lesson Planning, Online Grading. and Feedback)
  • Digital content creation
  • Student Podcasting
  • Screencasting
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Student-Centered Learning