The Grid Method – Part 2: Why Change?

Chad OstrowskiFree Online Course

Change is never easy…

It takes a lot for any teacher to change their instruction. Not only are most teachers comfortable with the current way they teach, but chances are that changing is a lot of work for something that isn’t necessarily guaranteed (since nothing is guaranteed in education).

For me, it took the worst year of my life to change my instruction, but that change allowed me to thrive in my classroom again and reach more students than ever before.

I was in a new school, with a new administration, and a population of students that we’ll just say were “challenging.” At a certain point in the year I realized that there were specific problems that were causing these problems.

These problems included:

  • Lack of Ownership in Learning
  • Failure to Reach ALL Students
  • Management Issues
  • Low Student Performance
  • Day to Day Survival

This forced me to start looking for solutions.

After some reflection I created the following list of soutions:

  • Hold Learners Accountable
  • Make Content More Targeted & Accessible
  • Let Learners Set The Pace
  • Maintain High Expectations Through Mastery
  • Evolve and Adapt to “Thrive”

It is through these solutions that I began searching for a new way to teach that was inclusive of what I knew my classroom and, more importantly my students, needed to succeed.

This journey was the foundation of creating The Grid Method.

Listen to the story and watch part 2 of the course below.


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