Ep. #30 Steve Woolf and Wild Heart Teacher

Kip ShubertThe Secret Sauce

Join us for an inspiring episode of our podcast, as we sit down with the incredible Steve Woolf, an award-winning educator who has devoted his life to seeing, hearing, and loving staffulty and students. Steve has won just about every award education has to offer, but he has also experienced a hard fall after personal tragedy. In this episode, Steve … Read More

Ep. #31 Breaking Through The Burn Out Cycle

Kip ShubertThe Secret Sauce

There is no doubt that many of us are feeling tired, exhausted, disheartened, and burnt out. Those feelings are real, yet, how do we break through and move forward. Listen in to find the answer and encouragement for breaking through the burn out cycle and finding that passion again for what we do. MORE EPISODES

Ep. #32 Struggle To Strength

Kip ShubertThe Secret Sauce

How can we turn our struggles into strengths? How can that take us to the next level as administrators, teachers, and coaches? So many educators are missing who they are and why they do what they do. The noise in our profession has tried to steal our sense of gratitude. Who are we, really? How can we keep climbing when … Read More