Dr. Lori McEwen chats with us about focusing on best practices for all students, bringing everything back to deep and joyful learning for kids, and how we’re all just works in progress, learning every day. Lori chats about her excitement around mastery learning, how we can approach student-centered learning, and why we need to celebrate all wins. Episode Highlights 0:46 … Read More
BONUS EPISODE – Jeff Featured on the “How to Be Awesome at Your Job” Podcast
Jeff was recently featured on the “How to Be Awesome at Your Job” Podcast, hosted by Pete Mockaitis (@PeteAwe). Be sue to go subscribe to the podcast, and drop Pete a 5-Star Rating and an AWESOME Review! Everything is over at awesomeatyourjob.com/podcast. Episode Notes: *See the original posts at awesomeatyourjob.com Jeff Gargas shares best practices from teaching that every professional … Read More
87: Principal On A Skateboard – Michael Earnshaw chats with us about getting back the real you, the importance of modeling what you expect from others, and why he doesn’t care about test scores.
The Principal on a Skateboard, Michael Earnshaw, chats with us about getting back the real you, the importance of modeling what you expect from others, and why he doesn’t care about test scores. Michael shares why we need to get out of our comfort zones, how you can use “speed dating” with your staff, and why if you know … Read More
86: Let Them Own It – Maryanne Cullinan and Ellen Kidd chat about giving students ownership, the power of building community, and why we sometimes need to get out of the way.
Our dynamic duo, Maryanne Cullinan and Ellen Kidd, chat about giving students ownership, the power of building community, and why we sometimes need to get out of the way. Ellen and Maryanne share how we can work to give kids the capacity to solve their own problems, why we need to build relationships to help others take risks, and the … Read More
85: Change Their Mood – Jeremy Rinkel chats with us about being student focused and allowing student creativity to grow, and why we sometimes need to do whatever it takes to “change their mood.”
High school English teacher, Jeremy Rinkel, chats with us about being student focused and allowing student creativity to grow, and why we sometimes need to do whatever it takes to “change their mood.” Jeremy shares the power of sharing what you’re doing in your classroom, his return to focusing on relationships, and why reflection is so important. Episode Highlights … Read More