132: The Teacher Guy – Abbas Manjee chats with us about focusing on what you can control, redefining what it means to learn skills, and the importance of taking care of yourself.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Chief Academic Officer and Co-Founder of Kiddom, Abbas Manjee, chats with us about focusing on what you can control, redefining what it means to learn skills, and the importance of taking care of yourself. Episode Highlights 0:47 – Happy Holidays! 2:32 – Celebrating the FREE PD Series in our Facebook Group. 5:35 – Previewing the episode with Abbas Manjee. 8:18 … Read More

131: The Power of Environment – Kevin Stoller chats with us about surrounding yourself with positivity, the importance of planning your day, and the power of your classroom’s environment.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Kay-Twelve founder, Kevin Stoller, chats with us about surrounding yourself with positivity, the importance of planning your day, and the power of your classroom’s environment. Kevin talks about getting rid of the things we know are doing harm, what the worst marketing campaign ever looks like, and why change requires changing the physical environment. Episode Highlights 1:31 – Chatting with … Read More

130: Creating a Culture of Coaching. – Lauren Vaclavik chats with us about being a part of something bigger, the power of reflection, and creating a culture of coaching.

Jeff GargasTeach Better Talk Podcast

Instructional coach, Lauren Vaclavik, chats with us about being a part of something bigger, the power of reflection, and creating a culture of coaching. Lauren talks about how change is difficult, but she sees teachers out there putting in the time, and how she wants to open doors for her students. Episode Highlights 1:26 – Chatting about our Winter Break … Read More

129: Be 200% In. – Jen Molitor chats with us about choosing to embrace all the things thrown at you every day, following your heart, and believing that all kids deserve to learn.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Gifted intervention specialist, instructional coach, and author, Jen Molitor, chats with us about choosing to embrace all the things thrown at you every day, following your heart, and believing that all kids deserve to learn. Jen talks about deciding to love your job, being 200% in, and reconnecting with your why. Episode Highlights 0:33 – Shoutout to Katie Alvarez. … Read More

128: Video games, dad jokes, and higher education. – Dr. Matthew Barr chats with us about his research with video games, creating a work-based element in higher education, and telling too many dad jokes.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Video games have really exploded in the last two decades, with dozens of games released every quarter and new players looking up a MAME roms pack in order to play the classics. Whether these are new gamers, or experienced ones, there is always a variety of choices on the market to suit their needs. It is also easy to find … Read More