Darrin, Todd, and Dominic share the screen for this mid-month special edition of the podcast. Today’s conversation centers around the continual evolution of the building principal role and some of the ways today’s leaders are rising to the challenge. MORE EPISODES
Episode 155: School of Engagement with Jonathan Alsheimer
This week is all about student engagement with rockstar educator Jonathan Alsheimer making a second appearance on the podcast. Jonathan and I sit down and talk engagement activities, life on the road, and his new book “School of Engagement”. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Episode 154: Educreators & Entrepreneurship with Jeff Gargas
How do I start my education side hustle? Educators, creators, side-hustlers unite right here as I sit down with Teach Better COO Jeff Gargas. We are talking edupreneurship and sharing insights, tips, and hints to launch or enhance your work of sharing and building your business. That, plus the weekly #PepTalk on this show! MORE EPISODES
Episode 153: Back to School with Joshua Stamper
This special episode of the podcast features a conversation with Joshua Stamper from the Aspire to Lead podcast. Joshua and I team up for a dual release episode where we talk about moving from firefighter to leader and the steps new leaders can take to find success early in their career. That, plus your #PepTalk on this awesome show. MORE … Read More
Episode 152: Strategic Thinking with Rich Horwath
Rich Horwath joins Darrin on the podcast this week to discuss being strategic as a leader. Rich has amazing insights into being strategic with time, focus, and communication that is sure to have all leaders thinking differently. That, plus your #PepTalk on episode 152. MORE EPISODES