Episode 96: PBIS and the ABC’s with Larry Carey

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Larry Carey sits down with Darrin to share his insights into the power of PBIS, development of a strong Tier 1 in the classroom, and his book Alliteration Boosts Communication: The ABC’s of Vocabulary. That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES

Episode 95: Define YOUniversity with Lindsay Titus

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Lindsay Titus sits down with Darrin to talk about behavior management and student leadership. Lindsay focuses on the teacher as the first leader in the classroom and sees behavior challenges from the lens of the teacher. Lindsay talks about us finding ways to play to our strengths and even does a little coaching with Darrin, pushing him to think deeply … Read More

Episode 94: Upping Your Leadership Game with J Remo Kapuchuck

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

J Remo Kapuchuck hangs out with Darrin this week on Leaning into Leadership to bring some fire and inspiration at the start of your school year. J challenges you to up your leadership game, to find ways to welcome everyone to your school community, and to help every teacher go from good, to better, to great. That, plus your #PepTalk … Read More