
Chad Ostrowski                   Tiffany Ott                          Rae Hughart                        Jeff Gargas
@ChadOstrowski              @TiffanyOtt                       @RaeHughart                    @JeffGargas


The book study, resources, and videos in this course will help you dive deeper and take full advantage of reading and experiencing the book “TEACH BETTER.” Chad, Tiffany, Rae, and Jeff will take you step-by-step through each chapter, providing you with thought provoking prompts and questions to consider before and during your reading. 

You will also get chapter by chapter challenges that put the content into practice and set you on your very own path to “BETTER.”  Created for individuals, small groups, or entire building or district staff to utilize, this book study course can be used own your own or alongside your colleagues. 


Included in this course:

  • Aligned activities that support and dive deeper into the TEACH BETTER book. 
  • Videos from the Teach Better Team to guide you chapter by chapter. 
  • Challenges to keep you motivated throughout the book. 
  • Shareable, printable, or presentable documents and files to start your own book study (alone or in a group).
  • Everything you need to dive deeper and be “BETTER” individually or with a group.

Click the images below to immediate access to these tools!

Webb's DOK (pg. 29)


The Grid Method (pg. 36)


Effective Tech. (pg. 55)


Recording Videos (pg. 60)


Twitter Chats (pg. 67)


Teach Further (pg. 93)


Fail Poster  (pg. 110)


Affirmations (pg. 136)

Ready to take on the challenge?
Fill out this form to get words of encouragement, inspiration, and support from us over the next year!


Pam Erickson

Fourth Grade Teacher, Minnesota (pg. 45)



Bryan Zwemke

High school principal, Illinois (pg. 72)



Adam Peterson

Educator, Presenter, Vlogger (pg. 95)

Adam Peterson Education 


Thomas C. Murray

Director of innovation,
Future Ready Schools ®  (pg. 116)



Sarah Thomas, PhD

Regional Technology Coordinator & founder, EduMatch (pg. 137)



Neil Gupta, EdD

Director of Secondary Education, Worthington City Schools, & ASCD board member



LaVonna Roth

Creator, speaker, and lead illuminator of Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.®



Sheldon L. Eakins, PhD

Director of the Leading Equity Center



Danny Steele

Educator, author, & speaker


Tim Cavey

Eighth-grade teacher and host of the Teachers on Fire podcast



Adam Welcome

Educator, speaker, & author



Thomas C. Murray

Director of innovation,
Future Ready Schools ®  (pg. 116)



Sarah Johnson

Educator, Speaker, Author, and Podcaster of the In Awe Podcast,



Chad Ostrowski: I Acknowledge . . .

• My Wife Amelia and Children: Dylan, Autumn, Emily, and Alex for their sacrifices and unwavering support of my dreams and vision for education.
• My mother, Barb Schollaert, for inspiring me as an educator and
supporting me in everything I do, and My father, Richard Ostrowski, and stepfather, David Schollaert, for their guidance, belief, and dedication to my success.
• My mentors, principals, and colleagues who have helped me learn, grow, and thrive as an educator.
• The Teach Better Team (Jeff, Rae, and Tiffany) for helping make all of this a reality.
• Jeff Gargas, for listening to a story about a teacher he knew and
wanting to do more than “just make an e-book.”

Jeff Gargas: I Acknowledge . . .

• My wife, Amy, the reason I do anything I do.
• My kids, Jonathan and Jacquelyn, who keep me on my toes and
remind me that life is meant to be a continuous stream of laughter
sprinkled with hugs and kisses.
• Mom and Dad Gargas, for making sure, no matter what, I knew I
could do whatever I set my mind to.
• Yummie and Yuckie for trusting that one of my crazy ideas will work out one day.
• My brothers, Mark and Paul, for supporting me no matter what, and always keeping me grounded.
• Chad Ostrowski, for coming up with a silly idea about education, and trusting me to help share it with the world.

Rae Hughart: I Acknowledge . . .

• My incredibly generous parents, Jim and Julie Ford, for their relentless focus on working toward your passion and taking each moment as an opportunity for a connection.
• My awe-inspiring sister, Dana Ford, for our continued battle to be the favorite in the family. Resting has never been an option against you— you are tough competition!
• My grandma, Sima Browne, for never allowing my learning disability to limit my success. Thank you for the years of after-school tutoring sessions and inspiration which finally allowed me to achieve my dreams of going to college!
• To the friends whom we always treated like family, Anne and Jeff
Levin, Mary and Cary Johnson, Rabbi Paul, and Cathy Cohen, thank you for acting as wonderful role models throughout my upbringing.
• And let’s break the rules and acknowledge my two adorable puppies, Mr. Harvey Dent and Mr. Alfred Pennyworth, for more dog snuggles and love a girl could ask for!

Tiffany Ott: I Acknowledge . . .

• My husband, Cameron, for sending me out the door at 6 a.m. for
months on end to go write in a coffee shop while he took care of
everything else in our lives.
• My three amazing, crazy, exhausting, and inspiring children for
making me a better human every single day.
• Jeff Gargas for turning a playdate for our kids at the park into a lifechanging opportunity.
• My parents, for helping me believe that my childhood dream of
changing the world wasn’t just a fantasy.
• My sister, Jessica Orlovsky, for letting me tag along to her classroom one day—and changing my life forever.

  • Dave and Shelley Burgess for taking a chance on four new authors.

  • Heather Koehl for believing in us before we even believed in ourselves.

  • Matt White for instilling the “Stop Selling, Start Helping” mindset in everything we do.

  • Keith Minton for seeing our vision and helping us get there. 

  • The teachers, schools, and districts who believe in and implement our message, mission, and vision for education.

  • Rick Stockburger and Courtney Gras for helping guide our vision in the very early stages of this new adventure.