#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, December 6, 2018
Topic: Equity in Education
Moderator: Raymond Steinmetz (@Blended_Math)
(8:01 ET) Intro/Welcome: Welcome to #MasteryChat! Introduce yourself and tell us about a time you came face to face with an example of inequity in education.
(8:05 ET) Q1. What does equity look like in a classroom? #MasteryChat
(8:10 ET) Q2 What obstacles exist in creating an equitable classroom? #MasteryChat
(8:20 ET) Q3 What tools, techniques, or resources do you utilize to ensure an equitable learning environment? #MasteryChat
(8:30 ET) Q4 What can building/district administrators do to ensure equity in our classrooms and schools? #MasteryChat
(8:40 ET) Q5 What can we do as educators to ensure teaching itself is an equitable profession? #MasteryChat
(8:50 ET) Q6 What is something you can do tomorrow to “Teach Better” and create a more inclusive classroom environment?#MasteryChat