Episode #160: Dr. Canute White

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Dr. Canute White is a Jamaican scholar who has his own philosophical perspective of life and social settings. He had coined the concept of Self-Aweirdness to describe individuals who are comfortable with their weird behaviors and own those behaviors. Among other books, he had written weird people started to explain this concept.

Dr. White has a background in psychology but hold a doctorate in education with concentration in organizational leadership. He has a BSc. in counseling, MSc in psychology with educational psychology emphasis, and a MSc in organizational studies. Dr. White believes in education as a means for upward mobility and often question academic concepts in the realm of his philosophical mindset. He is a very critical thinker. He is a podcaster and host of the Canyouth’s Exploration podcast. He used his knowledge and skills gained through a diploma in radio and television broadcasting to channel his educational, social, and cultural philosophies.

Dr. White had served in the Jamaican military for over 25 years and as a lay magistrate/Justice of the Peace in Jamaica before becoming a Notary Public in Florida. He is considering running for political office in the USA; hence, his pursuance of another master’s degree in Public Administration.

Go to Canute’s website www.canyouthsexploration.com and follow Canute on IG @canyouthexploration & Twitter @canyouthsn


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