Episode #144: Merlyna Valentine

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast


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Merlyna Mathieu Valentine is an international speaker, author, and consultant. She retired after thirty years having served as a teacher, principal, and executive director in an extraordinarily successful school district in Louisiana. Her transformational leadership as a school principal resulted in her school’s recognition as a “Top Gains” school.
Ms. Valentine has received numerous state, national, and international awards and commendations such as teacher of the year, principal of the year, and the University of New Orleans College of Education and Human Development Alumna of the Year. Ms. Valentine was featured in several news segments and articles
including a spotlight in Ebony Magazine. Audiences were captivated by her
inspirational story of survival, courage, and hope when she was a featured
segment on the Today Show. She was recently chosen as the 2020 Inspirational Speaker of the Year in an international competition hosted by Speaker Slam of Canada.
In the face of tragedy and daunting obstacles, Ms. Valentine unleashed a
remarkable inner strength that enabled her to lead by example. As a quadruple amputee navigating life’s tumultuous terrain, Merlyna demonstrates that no matter what challenges surface in your path, you have the power within yourself to overcome it and cross the bridge from impossible to possible. Through her current endeavors as an international speaker and consultant, Merlyna empowers audiences to embrace their personal power and prove what’s possible.
Merlyna is the author of Daisy, the Extra Special Flower / Living without Limb-its.
Find Merlyna on every social media, FB, also her business page, IG @merlynavalentime Twitter @merlynainspires, LinkedIn and YouTube channel (with snippets from keynotes). Visit her website at: www.sherovalentine.net