Experience for Nuance | Jay McTighe | Assessing Creativity

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (6:18) Tom examines the strange relationship some educators have with research and suggests that our experience be used to add the nuances of implementation. Then, Tom is joined by Jay McTighe (15:15) to discuss “Designing Authentic Performance Tasks and Projects.” Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:20:30), Tom explores how teachers can assess creativity without stifling creativity and … Read More

Learning Loss Illusion | Shauna Brown | Net-Zero Grading Reform

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (2:50) Tom explains why he’s done talking about the “COVID learning loss” and why rich, engaging opportunities now are all students need going forward; that “catching-up” is a manufactured narrative. Then Tom is joined by Shauna Brown (11:48) who is an Instructional Leader, Consultant, Educator, and Entrepreneur; the discussion centers on racial equity in schools and … Read More